This is the Home page of the Inglis Family and their relatives. The web site provides information to people researching their family history. The information includes Family trees; Military and Ecclesiastical history relating to the Inglises and their relations; plus details of famous relatives. A directory of Original Source material includes; gravestone records; and documentation referring to ancient Inglis families. Family Diaries, Obituaries, Letters and Pictures from relatives involved in historical events such as the American War of Independence, Crimea, Indian Mutiny, and 1st and 2nd World War…... and much more!

As a result of numerous requests to source Inglis and Scottish related items we have added a shop hosted by my business

Most products are made from Inglis Tartan.

Ancient Colours
Inglis Tartan

Inglis Family Home Page. | Shop for Inglis Products | Family Tree Page. | Early Inglis history. St Bride's Church.  | Early Inglises and the Church. | Military History and Information. | Examples of people on the family tree. | Directory of Inglis Reference material. | Connections with other Inglis families. | Contact details and
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